Feature Pylon
Feature Pylon was a series which ran through Summer 2007,
showcasing some of the more interesting photos.
#3: Cressing, Essex

This photo is from Flash Wilson Bristow.
These pylons are located in a field on the edge of Cressing village.
Their purpose is to route wires from the pylons on the left under
another line supported by the pylons on the right, in order to
route the first set into a substation which is out of shot, beyond
the trees on the right.
I've never seen this design before and would assume the centre pylon
at least was purpose built. Because of their unusual nature - and their
accessibility, you could walk right up to them - these are my favourite
UK pylons.
This page will be updated frequently throughout the summer.
To submit your pylon photos please email pylons@gorge.org and label them
"Summer 2007" - let me know where the picture was taken and anything you like about it.
See all featured pylons:
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |